Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Everyone say they know there are more have nots than haves, yet everyone forgets that includes themselves. A lot of people seem to think that their included in the have nots, but if you got internet and you reading this, you are not included in that have not group.

For everything you don't have, there's more people with even less. You think you have it bad with one parent? Think of the kid with no parents? What's with the mentality that life gives you the short end of the stick?

Don't give me wrong, I'll give much sympathy to those people out there in hard times, but do you want to be that guy that everyone says they feel sorry for or do you want to be that guy that everyone says wow look how that guy was able to do so much with so little in life?

I've seen and heard some crazy things. I know no matter what happens, life can be even crazier. Are you the one armed man cursing God for your missing arm or are you the man with no arms and legs thanking God you're alive? Life is all about perspective. If you get lost in the suffering, you'll never see the happiness before you.

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